101 Ways to Get Seriously Organized This 2020

101 Ways to Get Seriously Organized ( More Eco-friendly and Sustainable)

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101 Ways to Get Seriously Organized This 2022 while living an intentional, sustainable, and Eco-friendly life.

Let’s be real here, life isn’t getting any easier!

As more years roll off and another roll in, we just become packed with so much to do and so much to worry about.

If you are still in your 20s, you’re worried about a job, finishing college, getting married, or having a baby.

In your 30s, you’re thinking about having more money; in your forties, you want to grow your finances and in your 50;, you want your kids to be in the best schools.

And in your 60s, you want to feel like a fulfilled grandparent.

The list goes on and on and the years rolling In and rolling out quickly aren’t helping much!

With all the 1000 reasons to worry, our lives can get seriously disorganized, so much that you can get nothing done!

Whether we like it or not, if we manage to put our lives in some manner of order, then little things are much easier to achieve.

There are small changes we can make every day to put our lives in order, and organize our thoughts in such a way that progress is easily achievable.

Here are 101 ways to get seriously organized this 2022.

1. Start journalling

You can start practicing the Habit of keeping a good journal where you have all your to-do list, your weekly priorities, day-to-day activities, and other random fussing.

Just write something useful and enjoy yourself in the process.

2. Start managing your money

In order to start managing your money, you need to learn how to budget and stop buying things you don’t need.

The Clever Fox Budget Planner & Monthly Bill Organizer is one of the easiest budget planners for newbies and those who can’t seem to get a hang of budgeting.

3. Become a morning person

The mornings are the best time to checklist your life for better productivity and practice safe self-care habits needed to keep you functional.

4. Start a bullet journal

Great bullet journaling organizes your life and weekly routines in such a way that it makes more sense to you. See Paper 10 Pack Lined Journal Notebook to get started.

5. Have emergency funds in place

As the word suggests “emergency,” means, having a saved-up sum solely for the sake of an emergency.

Emergencies are bound to happen in our everyday lives, and getting prepared for them, is the first step to conquering anxiety and money stress when they happen.

You can start using this beautiful piggy bank for a start.

6. Perfect your storage system( 101 Ways to Get Seriously Organized This 2021)

Perfecting the storage system in your house will drastically give your home a taste of fresh air and the needed space that you and your kids require.

101 Ways to Get Seriously Organized This 2020


To get organized, you need a;

a) Professional make up organizer

b) Large Dish Dryer Rack Kitchen Sink Organizer Srorage

c) Sparco Secure Key Cabinet

d) Shoe Storage Cabinet

7. Write a daily to-do list

A daily to-do list will help you get seriously organized and help you achieve things much more quickly.

Your to-do list should be simple, in other words, “keep it simple” and don’t overdo anything, else you get burnt out!

8. Set a Google calendar

When you set up your activity in a Google calendar, it will help you organize your events and remind you when it’s approaching, helping you stay focused and less forgetful.

9. Have spears and backups

You need a spare key for your house, car, office, and wardrobes.

Having a spare key and backups will save you time, money, and strength.

10. Join the FIRE movement


11. Pay off dept

Pay off debts or avoid getting into any!

Anything you cannot own without getting into debt, is not something you can afford, let it go!

12. Set reminders on your phone

Everything we have to do every day is so much confusing, setting a reminder will help ensure you don’t miss a single appointment.

13. Carry a notepad

The notepad is a backup that is very handy when your phone is out of reach.

The notepad should have your to-do list, grocery lists, upcoming events, or a creative idea you just want to jot out quickly.

14. Label everything

Labeling useful things around you will help you get seriously organized this new year. label your groceries, your spices, and other necessities.

Try these professional labeling stickers!

15. Organize your drawer

Clear out the unnecessary items that are just cluttered, dust them off and arrange other useful items.

16. Use a meal plan

A meal planner makes cooking less stressful and helps you cultivate the habit of eating home-cooked meals, make a good meal plan with all the six classes of food and make sure to have a balanced diet every day.

17. Organize your phone inbox

Delete obsolete messages and ridiculous drafts.

18. Clean out your junk drawer

19. Clear up your dressers of old and broken items.

20. Clear off your counter of unused books, tissues, papers and items you no longer use.

101 Ways to Get Seriously Organized This 2020

21. Toss out expired drugs.

22. Clean out your car compartment and boots.

23. Sort out your jewelry box

24. Toss out ruined ones and sell off old and unwanted ones.

25. Re-arrange your basement, attic, and garage.

26. Sort out kids’ toys and find good storage for them. (Try this toy storage)

27. Add more pairs of bedsheets to your sheets box and change them regularly.

28. Toss out expired foodstuffs and perfect the storage of the good ones.

29. Clean out slabs, and cabinets and wash everything washable.

30. Wipe out the pantry and put everything back together.

31. Purge the living room of toys, papers and items that do not belong there.

32. Start a habit of making your bed first thing after jumping out of it.

33. Organize work clothes according to pairs, colors, matching items and accessories.

34. Organize your office desk, go through paper works- trash, distribute and organize as needed.

101 Ways to Get Seriously Organized This 2020

35. Drag out your bed and sweep under it accordingly.

36. Clean out electronic clutters like cell phones, cameras, printers and games.

37. Always buy apparels and accessories that match to minimize cost and unnecessary clutters.

38. Sell off or give out all the dresses that don’t fit in your wardrobe.

39. Have a cleaning schedule for your whole house.

40. Keep a weekly, monthly and daily cleaning checklist.

41. Clean as you go.

42. Clean up every now and then

Clean amidst work or rest, which is the best way to stay clean and organized.

43. Limit social media

Limit social media by allocating some minutes or hours to social media until you’re completely ready to downgrade it in your life.

44. Keep things easily within your reach

So you don’t spend time looking for things or get frustrated trying to get them.

101 Ways to Get Seriously Organized This 2020

45. Keep similar items together in a place-  shoes stay with shoes and keys stay with keys.

46. Choose new organized friends

Surround yourself with people who are better organized than you are.

47. Tidy as you work

Once you finish a task, try to clean up immediately. I.e clean up after cooking, clean up after laundry, clean up after taking a bath.

48. Have a habit of making a morning checklist.

A morning checklist will keep you organized and ensure you never forget anything important.

49. Send cartons, product packaging, extra bottles and breakables to the department for recycling.

It will keep your house clutter-free and environmental pollution-free.

The Quickest and Easiest Way to Declutter Your Home Right Now

50. Track your monthly cycle (menstruation)

Mark cycles on calendars, buy new pads and change menstrual undergarments frequently.

51. Have a bedside cupboard to keep all your valuables at arm’s reach.

52. Wash your towels regularly

Make sure to differentiate them; one for hair, one for your body and one for your private parts.

53. Hang out next day’s outfit according to pairs and accessories and place them in clear view.

101 Ways to Get Seriously Organized This 2020

54. Create more space in your wardrobe and keep only the clothes you wear according to combinations.

55. Set reminders on your phone

Let your phone do all the remembering for you by simply setting reminders that are absolutely important.

56. Organize your email subscription

Unsubscribe to messages you don’t need and organize the important ones.

57. Take lunch to work

Taking lunch to work will save you time eating out, save you lots of money too and perfect your health.

58. Organize your finances

101 Ways to Get Seriously Organized This 2020

Learn to spend 50% of your salary, save emergency funds and start investing little money every month.

Avoid shopping on impulse and stay away from shops if it’s not the time for your necessary purchases.

59. Organize your wallet

Put keys together, credit cards, identity cards and IV cards.

60. Keep everything in your house useful and relevant

Unclog drains, mend broken walls and floors, fix wallpapers and repair appliances instead of buying new ones.

61. Have an emergency exit in your house in case of fire, breakage, or attack.

Also consider buying a portable fire extinguisher in your home (very important).

62. Stock up your glove compartment

Stock up with extra tires, first aid kit, napkins, car registrations, money just in case.

63. Find necessary help

Searching and assigning some task to someone else every day will save you from a nervous breakdown and pent-up stress.

64. Buy Eco-friendly and zero-waste products for your whole house and try to minimize the use of plastic.

65. Save more money on light bills by using more natural light (sunlight)

66. Throughout your plastic and buy more glass or stainless steel.

67. Save money and be more Eco-friendly by ditching face wipes, mouth wash and makeup removers.

68. Save more energy and light bills by washing clothes in cold water.

69. Save more water by turning the tap off when not in use and mending all leaky sources in the house.

70. Save money on foodstuffs by understanding the proper amount of food you will actually need.

71. Use the air conditioner sparingly and make sure to turn it off when not in use.

72. Switch light bulbs in your house to Eco-friendly LED bulbs to save more energy.

73. Dispose of broken bottles, plastics and electronic waste accordingly.

74. Spread out your clothes in a hanger in the open sun rather than using your dryer to save more energy and bills.

75. Grow your produce and save lots of money on groceries.

76. Ditch kitchen disposable paper and use easily washable microfiber cleaning towels.

77. Drink more tap water

Try to filter and treat your tap water so you benefit from drinking them.

78. Save energy by unplugging all electronics when not in use.

79. Strive to eat healthily

Striving to eat healthily is a must for everyone. Don’t just fill your tummy with food but ensure you are eating what’s right for your body.

know what you eat, how you eat and when you eat.

Schedule your meals between eating proteins, fruits and healthy fat. Stay away from canned food but if you must eat them, cook them properly.

Eat less salt, sugar, do more starchy carbohydrates and drink lots of water.

80. Have a Career

Practicing a career is very necessary in one lifetime of everyone. Choosing correctly is also very necessary.

Don’t just do random things or stay glued to a job just to earn money, but choose a career you will be most comfortable with.

Sometimes choosing a career for most people is confusing and frustrating. So if you find yourself in that category; then seek help and guidance or practice one or more careers to see which one suits you the most.

Since practicing a career is a lifelong activity, it is absolutely necessary to choose a fulfilling one.

81. Start saving for retirement

It is great to start saving for retirement even in your twenties, but don’t feel stressed about it, since you can still save in your 40s or 50s.

Just start saving, even if you feel it’s too late “better late than never” – and if don’t know how to start, just go get a nice retirement book and follow the guide.

Everyone will agree that “it is better hustling for money while you are young and healthy than when you become tired and grey.”

82. Stick to a partner

Finding a companion or spouse isn’t the easiest of things.

But one can minimize trial and error relationships by understanding oneself first and then take a considerable amount of time to pick a partner that suits one.

Don’t be the type, to change relationships like shoes.

Do not enter into other people’s lives to destroy it with indecisiveness and lack of focus.

So always take your time to understand what draws you to the opposite sex.

83. Plan number of kids

The number of kids to have is generally a personal decision between couples and it should be decided long before marriage.

Parenting as we all know isn’t easy. So the more children you have, the harder and more stressful it becomes.

Children are divine creatures, but having lots of them vying for attention, food, and financial resources can be daunting and scary.

As the wise old saying goes “It’s not about the number but the quality” and quality can never be matched.

But if you are flexible enough and very determined, you can most likely raise lots of quality children. So always stay glued to what works for you.

84. Start an exercise routine

Exercises help keep our body strong, fit and healthy.

You can even start with walking just a few miles every day.

How to Stay “Fit-as-a-Fiddle” Even If You Don’t Like Exercising

85. Start saving money every month

Learn how to start saving money every month no matter your salary size.

 You can start saving money by managing your personal finance; understand your needs from your wants and budget accordingly.

86. Start using a budget

Start using a monthly and weekly budget to help you track the way you spend money.

Lamare Weekly Planner Notepad is all you need to start on the right foot with your weekly budget.

87. Drink more water

It is advisable for an adult to drink at least 8 ounces glasses of water every day.

88. Wake up at 5 a.m

Waking up early will help triple your productivity by ensuring you start getting things done as early as possible.

89. Practice self-care

Practicing a self-care routine will help you love yourself more and stay happier.

90. Do a regular check-up

Schedule a yearly checkup for your eye, teeth and overall health status.

91. Cut off toxic habits and replace one bad habit with a good one.

How to Change Your Life In a 30-Day Challenge ( Best Steps For 2020)

92. Make yourself happy

Stay happy by complimenting yourself daily and saying no to things you do not like.

93. Take care of your skin

Take care of your skin by bathing twice and using organic moisturizer at least once every day.

94. Learn to pray

Praying as often as possible and seeking God’s guidance in whatever endeavor you involve yourself.

95. Reduce procrastination and try to get things done at the appropriate time.

96. Organize all electronic devices and then make sure you don’t have a cord lying about.

97. Stay away from alcohol and soda to boost your health and mental clarity.

98. Focus on one task at a time and make sure to complete it before moving on to the next.

101 Ways to Get Seriously Organized This 2020

99. Serve yourself a smaller portion of food and eat mindfully by eating your food slowly and thoroughly.

100. Limit television and don’t subscribe to stations you don’t watch.

101. Assign important tasks each day and make sure to complete them.

101 Ways to Get Seriously Organized This 2022

Conclusively (101 Ways to Get Seriously Organized) 

The above are the exhaustive and no-fluff ultimate guide to getting organized once and for all and take control of your life for the better.

As humans, we are wired to be motivated every single day to help us reach our ultimate goals and fulfill our life purposes.

Getting organized is one of the best ways to kick-start a much better and fulfilled life.

You can use an easy checklist planner to stay organized while implementing them one after the other.

101 Ways to Get Seriously Organized This 2022 and live a more Eco-friendly and more sustainable life.

Let’s start a conversation below!

How do you stay organized?

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