Top 4 Habits That are Sabotaging Your Morning Productivity

Everyone at one time or point in their lives desires to wake up as early as possible to get so many sh*t done fast in the best and quickest possible way.

But waking up very early everyday is no brainier at all!

You have to put strategies in place and train your body to follow at a pace or at the exact pace you want it to function.

You can do so many things very early in the morning while everyone is still asleep.

For a mum, you can take the time to do your self care routines, create something if you are in a creative career or try to achieve something at that moment.

But there are also some people who naturally wake up very early but are unable to be productive because they do not make proper use of that period.

For example, you may have woken up 4 a.m, but you’re still in bed pressing your phone till 6 a.m.

Of course you can’t say you are an early  riser in that case, because the aim of waking up early is to be able to achieve one or two things before day break but doing something unproductive is assumed that you got up late because you’re still going to move at the pace of someone who got up late too.

The only way you can be more productive is to get more things done at the best possible time!

So here are five things you’re doing that are sabotaging your morning productivity.

Top 4 Habits That are Sabotaging Your Morning Productivity

Top 4 Habits That are Sabotaging Your Morning Productivity

1 Going back to sleep

2 Pressing your phone

3 Eat just about anything

4 Hurrying  through chores

1.  Going Back to Sleep

Top 4 Habits That are Sabotaging Your Morning Productivity

It’s usually not easy to get up so early every day which is quite understandable but having an alarm in place every morning and then snoozing it every time it rings to continue sleeping, is actually going to stress and exhaust you rather than make you feel better.

The truth is, you will end up waking up late and then rushing mindlessly through everything and doing everything wrong!

Sleep is sweet!

But it’s better to try to get up immediately your alarm rings to maximize all the benefits of waking early.

2.   Pressing Your Phone

Top 4 Habits That are Sabotaging Your Morning Productivity

Reaching out to your phone as the first thing you do when you open your eyes in bed is bad enough, but going through social media or entertainment sites is even worst.

 Time is funny and Merciless!

It ticks without any care!

When you start looking through your social media, time eludes you!… One hour becomes two and then three and at the end of the day you won’t even realize it’s morning already.

In that case, you’ve actually made no productive use of that period.

Its one of the Top 4 Habits That are Sabotaging Your Morning Productivity.

3.   Eat Just about Anything

Top 4 Habits That are Sabotaging Your Morning Productivity

Eating high Carb. or Fat first thing in the morning can slow down your metabolism, making you sloppy and confused.

For me, I feel much better and properly hydrated when I take water and honey first thing in the morning before hitting coffee.

Nutritional experts advise will eat Fiber or Protein to help fasten our metabolism and energize our body.

Here are the Recommended food types by Experts to help fuel your energy powerhouse and banish morning fatigue.

4.  Chores (Top 4 Habits That are Sabotaging Your Morning Productivity)

Top 4 Habits That are Sabotaging Your Morning Productivity

I’m not telling you not to do chores or leave everything stinking and rotting!

Without doubt, some of us feel the first thing we should do in the morning is” Chores”

I mean, that’s the main reason why most people wake up early, but the truth is; it’s one of the habits that is sabotaging your efforts to become a morning person.

Whether you believe it or not, waking up very early is not easy!

And if you continue hitting Chores as the first thing you do when you wake up, everything will become monotonous and stressful and then, you will unintentionally begin to withdraw from the habit.

But if you look forward to doing something for yourself alone, especially one that you enjoy, then to wake up even earlier will be implanted permanently in you.

My regular advice is to use your early mornings to do small walks, bath, meditate, do yoga and then drink something you enjoy before doing any chores.

So you can better master morning routines and make it a permanent habit.

80 Habits For a Much More Better and Productive Life

In all, these are some of the Top 4 Habits That are Sabotaging Your Morning Productivity.

Let’s start a conversation!

What exactly do you do everyday to motivate you enough to continue being a morning person?????????????

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Top 4 Habits That are Sabotaging Your Morning Productivity

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