6 Tips For Working From Home With Kids This Covid 19 Lockdown

Seeking Tips For Working From Home With Kids When You Don’t Know Where to Start? this tips will be useful to you!

Now more than ever, everyone is seeking ways to work from home to stay safe and still earn money during this CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC.

But working from home can be a tough challenge for first timers or people who have not mastered the habit.

It is much easier and more productive to leave your house everyday and go to the office so you can concentrate on your work, but working at home is entwined with many distractions which may end up limiting your productivity and extending your workload.

Working from home with kids as a mom is even more challenging than ever!

Being a mom can be as difficult as it can get and adding a business or job to your workload, is the quickest way to get very stressed and mentally overloaded.

But with easy, safe practice, you can conquer the stress and actually become productive as a work-from-home mom, if you learn the tactics and are willing to go the extra mile to make it work for you.

Here are helpful tips that can help you work from home without pulling out all the hair from your head.

6 Tips For Working From Home With Kids

1. Practice self-care 

Practicing self care as a working mum is the first step to conquer the stress and workload and actually be happy working.

Some helpful self-care ideas for moms includes; a 5 minutes meditation, a body massage, an hour nap time or practicing an enjoyable hobby.  

You can choose to do what you love the most to help conquer the stress and stay happy. 

You may decide to wake up much earlier than your kids, warm up with your best drink and then curl up with a book or your best TV series.

Just make sure you are as relaxed as possible before you begin the day’s long to-do list.

2. Have a routine for your kids

It is much easier to work from home when you maintain a strict routine for your kids.

They should have a time to do the chores ( ensure you maintain kids chores according to age), a time to play ( give them play activities according to age too) and also try to maintain a sleep routine that will be comfortable for both you and them. 

3. 6 Tips For Working From Home With Kids: Utilize their nap time

This tip works best if you are a new mum working from home.

The best time to get so much done is during your baby’s nap time.

During their nap time, you can quickly do your laundry, clean up the house, write a blog post, send out emails to clients or do one or more important tasks.

4. 6 Tips For Working From Home With Kids: Have an evening routine 

A quick evening routine can save you so much stress the following day.

A productive evening routine is the best way to conquer stress while you work from home.

A helpful evening routine for a work from home mom with kids includes;  clean up for the following day, doing the dishes, laundry, arranging the following day’s outfit, arranging kids school needs, then chopping veggies or spices for the meal of the following morning.

10 Sanity Saving Daily Routines For Working Moms

5. Clean as you go

Cleaning as you go is one of the best tips to embrace while working from home.

It is much easier to clean up a part of your house rather than cleaning up the whole house.

When you clean as you go, you reduce your house chores, so you can concentrate more on your business or work.

Cleaning as you go is much easier when you stick to a productive cleaning routine which includes “a cleaning schedule for your whole house”

Your cleaning schedule should include the time for cleaning up your bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen, time for your laundry, and your backyard.

Pick up paper trash, clean up spills after your kids and try to manage occasional house mess.

5 Easy Tips to Keep Your House Clean This Holiday

6. Get them busy

Maintain a play routine for your kids so you can focus when you work from home.

You can divide their playtime into easy cognitive tasks and screen time.

For your toddler from Age 1 to 4, you can start a DIY color recognition task for them and then try to engage your older kids in sport activities of their choice. 

These are practical and helpful tips to help you start working from home and be productive as well.

Practicing a self-care routine is the best way to keep your sanity in check and conquer the overwhelm as a work from home mom with kids. 

6 Tips For Working From Home With Kids

Ensure you have a “ME” time and try to take your health seriously.

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