60 Self Discovery Journal Prompts For Finding Your True Self

60 Self Discovery Journal Prompts For Finding Your True Self

60 Self Discovery Journal Prompts For Finding Your True Self for when you want to journal prompts to find your purpose.

In life, we humans run after so many goals, try our utmost to achieve them, and strive to be as successful as we can manage.

But the simple fact remains that 80% of people are still failing to be what they want to be and where they want to be in life because, while we’re striving to achieve big goals, we fail to understand ourselves.

Self-discovery is a crucial part of personal growth. It is the only way to get the road map to our success and well-being.

One of the reasons why we should make self-discovery a priority in our lives!

Getting to Know ourselves is the first step to becoming a better, more stable, and more focused being.

The Journal Prompt Is Just What It Sounds Like.
The use of journal prompts can help you express yourself more easily.

Using journal prompts will allow you to explore new areas of your creativity.

It’s not uncommon for Journal Prompts to be referred to as a “creative calling.” In a few words, it answers a few questions and challenges the user to think creatively.

When it comes to journal prompts, think of them as pieces of a puzzle with a deeper meaning.

What Is the Importance of Journal Prompts?

Journal, Notepad, Notebook, Pen, Writing

Journaling prompts can assist you in discovering your life’s true purpose once you have a direction in mind for the words you write.

Journal prompts can help you gain more clarity if you still have some unanswered questions.

That’s because you’ll be posing questions to yourself that you never have!

Journaling Has Many Advantages.

Keeping a journal may not seem like a good idea, but it has numerous benefits. More positive emotions and better relationships with family members have been linked to journaling!

In addition, journaling is an excellent way to express yourself and commemorate achievements.

Journaling can be therapeutic as well as stress-relieving because it allows you to explore your innermost thoughts and feelings.

Journal Prompts: How Do They Work?

Here are some things to consider before diving into your own journal prompts adventure and writing whatever your heart desires.

To help you focus on your most treasured memories, subjects that bring you joy, these prompts have been carefully crafted to help you look inward so that you can create a positive personal narrative for yourself (one that expresses meaning and purpose in your life).

To summarize, after completing these journal prompts, your personal goals and life direction will become crystal clear.

How To Answer Journal Prompts In The Best Way Possible.

Before you begin, keep in mind that you may not feel compelled to dive into your life’s purpose after reading some of these journal prompts.

This can help you see an “overall theme” running through your life, which you can then ponder and research further in order to discover your true calling.

In any case, these journaling prompts are here to help you, so let’s get started.

Decide on a quiet corner of your home or a place where you won’t be disturbed, and bring an excellent pen that won’t dry out!

The simple tools you need to start bullet journaling include;

An official bullet journal, but you can still use any study notebook.

It’s not about the design, but what you can get out of journaling. If you want to mix fashion and function, you can go for a more portable and official bullet journal like the

Leuchtturm 1917 A5 Dot-grid Notebook. You’ll also need

A fine point marker,

Stencil sets, and

Dual brush pens.

Ways Journaling Benefits Relationships

Ready to start your self-discovery journey?

journal prompts to find your purpose.

The best way to start a self-discovery journal is by accepting you need one and setting aside some days in a week to complete the task.

Here is a helpful post on how to start a bullet journal.

It is essential that you stick to it for a number of months or years since our answers to self-discovery change over time due to experiences and events that shape our personal lives.

The goal of self-discovery is to dig deep and get to know yourself by answering abstract, face-to-face questions that will help you discover your real truth.

When you finally commit to starting a self-discovery journal, it is necessary that you do not over-task yourself with it and end up making it a chore else you get bored and trash it to the background.

Rather establish a habit that only you can stick to, adjust as needed, and over time you will make progress.

60 self-discovery prompts (journal prompts to find your purpose)

60 Self-Discovery Journal Prompts For Finding Your True Self

journal prompts to find your purpose.

  1. How do you feel right NOW? And how exactly do you want to feel?

  2. What steps do you need to take after your own dreams and desires?

  3. Is there any particular reason why you compare yourself with others?

  4. How can you make your own personal opinion the first priority in your life?

  5. Why do care too much about what others think of you?

  6. Who do you want to be? Are you who you want to be?

  7. How do you feel when you compare yourself with others?

  8. Does it really matter to you what others want you to be? why?

  9. Are you meeting your own expectations?

  10. Do you feel like you are meeting or you are not meeting other people’s expectations? why does it matter?

  11. What are you struggling with right now?

  12. What are the things that make you feel better?

  13. What are the things you are grateful for right now?

  14. What steps will you take to start taking responsibility in your life instead of blaming others?

  15. What steps will you take to prove to yourself that you are worthy of every good thing in your life?

  16. What do you term “success” and what does it mean to you?

  17. What steps will you take to enjoy your life more?

  18. What are the habits and characteristics you like about yourself?

  19. Are you constantly feeling lost? What steps do you think you can take to find yourself and what will it mean to you?

  20. How can you accept yourself for who you are, or how can you be happy with who you are?

  21. How do you make personal mistakes? Do you believe everyone makes mistakes?

  22. How can you love yourself a little more?

  23. What are the characteristics you admire in people?

  24. Who are the people you admire and wish to be like in your life?

  25. How can you develop the characteristics you admire in people?

  26. What habits do you need in order to live your best life?

  27. Who is the person you need the most to achieve your life goals?

  28. Journal everything about your ideal day – what you like to eat, wear, drink, to-do list?60 Self Discovery Journal Prompts For Finding Your True Self

  29. What are your good qualities, what are your best 5 qualities?

  30. What does your dream job look like?

  31. How do you simplify your life, what can you do to simplify your life?

  32. How have you changed in the past three, or two years?

  33. What does self-confidence mean to you?

  34. What are ten things you love about yourself, and why?

  35. If I am given the chance to own three things, what would they be?

  36. If I should die today, what would I want people to remember me for?

  37. What are my dreams like, what do I dream of and why?

  38. If I had just ten words to describe myself, what would they be?

  39. What is my biggest passion in life?

  40. What is self-worth to me, and how do I define what self-worth is?

  41. What are my three biggest priorities in life?

  42. If today was my last day, how would I spend it?

  43. What does self-care mean to me?

  44. How do I cope with insecurities? What will I need to change?

  45. What’s the best piece of advice that you’ve ever received and did not take?

  46. Describe one of your most memorable experiences.

  47. What can you do today to make it better than yesterday?

  48. If you can give your future self five pieces of advice, what will it be?

  49. Why are you avoiding, why?

  50. What do you focus on most at this time of your life?

  51. How are you moving towards achieving your biggest goals?

  52. What are the five things that easily get you angry and what can you do to suppress them where the need arises?

  53. What activities bring joy to you the most and set your soul free?

  54. Describe 1 toxic habit that you need to let go of.

  55. In what areas of your life would you like to see change and growth?

  56. Are you being true to yourself and living authentically? why or why not?

  57. What does love mean to you and how do you express it?

  58. What are your 3 big stressors, what are the things that ignite them?

  59. Do you feel confident about your looks? if not, why?

  60. Who are you?

Here are 60 great self-discovery journal prompts to start immediately that could change your life and help you discover the true “you”

All sprinkled with a dose of happiness, self-fulfillment and social success.

Good luck with finding the real “you” and changing your life for the better!

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