How to Clean Your Automatic Washing Machine

How to Clean Your Automatic ( Top & Front loading) Washing Machine

Without regular cleaning, your washing machine harbors leftover detergent, hard-water deposits, and mold or mildew around the lid. This can leave residues on laundry or cause items to emerge from the machine smelly and smeared. To ensure your freshly washed clothes and linens are as clean as possible, follow these steps to clean your washing machine thoroughly at least once in…

De-cluttering Checklist

Essential De-cluttering Checklist to Keep Your House Clean During The Winter

During winter, your aim is to stay as healthy as possible by changing your diet, drinks, and all other lifestyle adjustments that come with the cold season. The last thing you want to add to the list of your worries will be house cleaning, but here are the Essential De-cluttering Checklist to Keep Your House…

12 Funny and Inspiring Clean Quotes

12 Funny and Inspiring Clean Quotes When You Don’t Feel Like Cleaning Your House

When it comes to cleaning, surely everyone needs motivation. We all want to live in a clean house but no one likes to do the chores that will keep the house clean. A good reason why you need uplifting clean quotes that will boost your energy and inspire your cleaning spirits. Sometimes when I’m drained…